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Alchemy Of The Season Retreat


Join us in this two day, two night immersive Cape Breton retreat in beautiful Margaree Forks.

Time to get out of your head, and into your heart!  Through community, meditation, yoga, art, and ceremony it is time to awaken your spirit.  This immersion is a Goddess' Guide to reconnect with our deep inner wisdom.  

Alchemy is the changing of states and with each season, we are reminded of the changes we can embody.  The rising feminine energy is asking for us to live in our hearts, and let go of what no longer serves us.  

The season of the fall will be our guide in this journey. What changes are asking to emerge? What patterns can we release? Can we become radically curious about our unique role in our collective unfolding?  

Who : Women over 18 years

Group size: currently limited to 10*, due to current public health restrictions.

Fabulous Weekend of connection includes nourishing meals, Glamping accommodation, teaching material/workbook, art supplies, direct experience, feeling the feels, and time for self-care, self-love, and self-compassion.

Eats: delicious seasonal foods (mostly vegetarian) catered by Dawn Coady 

Sleep: Glamping accommodation at Live Life Intents 2 occupants per tent*.

Hosted at "The Shed" (New Development by McKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects).



Pre-retreat: workbook, helpful links, deeper dives in order to prepare, set intention and self-reflection

Retreat: Two days, nature-infused experiential, to offer a space for creativity, openness, connectivity, community, and heart activation. Daily yoga, meditation, art, and ceremony. Teaching, discussion, application, and self-reflection.

Nightly bonfire (to burn up what needs to be left behind!)

Post retreat:  Afterwards, the integration work begins! 6 week follow up Zoom call with group.


Your Guides: 

Dr. Alexis Goth, MD CFCP, Fellow Integrative Medicine. This Margaree native is connecting mind/body/emotion and spirit, through teaching, experience, and self-reflection. She blends Integrative, Functional, and Western medical training, with traditional wisdom teaching, practical applications, plants, and botanicals. 

Elizabeth Berlasso, MEd, RCT, Somatic Experience Practitioner (SEP) Psychotherapist, guiding us through embodying our lived experiences with mindfulness-based and compassion practices so we can drop out of our heads and into our heart and body. 

Tracey MacDonnell BA, BEd, 200hr YTT-a heart-centered practitioner, leading us through yin yoga, restoration, and preparing the vessel for off the mat creativity!

Shelley Long BA, DTATI- Art Therapist, Artist, and plant lover. Encouraging our expression of art for the sake of creativity, opening our hearts, and offering an outlet for the creative energy asking to emerge. 

* Note: *  Many of us are feeling the deep sense of isolation and loss of connection during the pandemic. 

Due to the confined space, we are reducing the number per tent to 2, instead of the usual four. This change is intended to allow a social distance of 6 feet, though maintenance of this distance is the responsibility of the individuals once inside their own accommodation. 

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